Various groups contribute to the health, economy of outdoor Wilkes County
By Mike Dahaney
Heather Murphy, Executive Director of The Health Foundation, Inc., said the nonprofit
organization leads a broad cross-sector collaborative effort designed to create, enhance, and promote
an outdoor economy.
“We understand that where people live, work, play, pray and learn is a contributing factor to
both the health and economic well-being of its community members,” Murphy said.
Within the collaborative, everyone works within their own programs with a common vision that everyone
in Wilkes is healthy, safe, and able to live life to their fullest potential.
“Our natural assets are key to bringing visitors and job creators to our community,” Murphy
Toward that, Murphy noted that the Wilkes Outdoor Action Plan, a 15-year infrastructure objective,
enhances and promotes the area’s existing outdoor recreational assets.
Murphy also pointed to the Wilkes County Outdoor Recreation Survey. It was conducted on The Health
Foundation’s behalf as an “accelerator cohort” for the 25-county and Qualla boundary
region of North Carolina participating in the Made X Mountains project.
“It clearly shows how valuable our natural assets are as we work to create a community where
everyone is healthy, safe and able to live life to their fullest potential,” Murphy said.
The survey found that outdoor recreation contributes $102.9 million to the local economy, supports
1,103 full-time jobs and provides $29.1 million in labor income.
The average party size for an outdoor recreation excursion was three people, 53% of trips were
overnight stays, and 97% of respondents were satisfied with their experience. The average spending on a
trip was $393.
Below is information from some of the organizations and places (listed alphabetically) that contribute
to the local health and the health of the local economy through what they offer to the public.
Blue Ridge Conservancy
Wilkes County is one of seven northwest North Carolina counties in the Blue Ridge Conservancy service
area. Thus far BRC has conserved 5,700 acres in Wilkes County.
“BRC’s mission is to partner with landowners and local communities to permanently protect
natural resources with agricultural, cultural, recreational, ecological and scenic value in northwest
North Carolina,” said BRC Director of Communications Leila Jackson. “Creating public
recreation opportunities through land conservation is part of our mission.”
BRC is able to acquire land that can be added to the Wilkes County outdoor recreation infrastructure.
By partnering with the county and municipalities, BRC can assist efforts to create public lands and is
currently acquiring land for future public recreation in the county.
“Land conservation and outdoor recreation opportunities increase quality of life and wellbeing of
the community. Trails and natural areas attract tourists and residents, and their presence helps local
businesses thrive,” Jackson said. “Throughout the country, communities with abundant outdoor
recreation opportunities are attracting businesses, workers and families to put down roots and grow the
local economy.”
Jackson noted that multiple studies show that access to trails and clean natural areas are a boon to
both physical and mental health.
“It is BRC’s intention to complete projects throughout the county so residents in
‘recreation deserts’ can have access to public lands a short distance from their
homes,” she said.
Stone Mountain State Park
Stone Mountain State Park is home to a 600-foot granite dome that is a designated National Natural
Landmark and the historic Hutchinson Homestead, a restored mid-19th-century farm situated at the
mountain’s base.
The park offers nearly all types of outdoor activities in a high country landscape adorned with
beautiful waterfalls, winding creeks and bountiful trout streams. A portion of the Mountains-to-Sea
State Trail runs through the park near the backcountry campsites.
“Stone Mountain State Park offers vast recreational opportunities to visitors, including over 20
miles of hiking trails, 10 miles of equestrian trails, 20 miles of designated trout waters, rock
climbing, 74 individual picnic sites, three large picnic shelters, 88 individual campsites, four group
campsites and four primitive backpack sites,” Park Superintendent Michael Wood said.
Currently, the park is in the planning phase to replace the stairway on the Stone Mountain Loop Trail
at Stone Mountain Falls. This $1.1 million project is being funded through the NC Parks and Recreation
Trust Fund. The new stairway will provide additional landings for viewing the 200-foot waterfall.
Wood said Stone Mountain State Park has an annual visitation of over 350,000 visitors.
“The park is a travel destination for visitors from all over the country seeking camping and
recreational opportunities. It provides support to the local economy for businesses such as hotels,
restaurants, and convenience stores,” Wood said. “In addition, Stone Mountain State Park
contributes to the quality of life for local residents by providing recreation, education, volunteer and
environmental stewardship opportunities.”
Rendezvous Mountain, a unit of the North Carolina State Park system
Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Rendezvous Mountain and its forest showcase magnificent hardwoods
in one of North Carolina's most scenic settings. Visitors can explore its features on a series of
well-marked trails and learn about the ecology of the mountain through exhibits and displays.
The park is open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with hours extended to 7 p.m. on weekends April through
October. A picnic shelter and amphitheater are available by reservation.
Jeff Matheson, superintendent at Rendezvous Mountain, said highlights of the park are the views at
overlooks and the Amadahy cascade/waterfall trail.
“The park continues to make minor improvements as we await a larger planning effort for major
facility updates and additions, after transitioning from a State Forest to a unit of the State Park
system,” Matheson said.
The park hosts some public programs, mainly on weekends, such as guided hikes and environmental
education programs for kids. Those are posted on the State Parks website under Rendezvous Mountain.
Rendezvous Mountain provides visitors with a free place to recreate, hike, exercise and enjoy the
outdoors. To get there, Matheson said visitors travel through Millers Creek and Purlear N.C., which
provide opportunities to shop local markets, stores and restaurants, contributing to the local
“Attendance at Rendezvous Mountain in 2024 was 13,916. We would estimate 5 to10% of our visitors
come from out of state, 50 to 65% come from out of the area, and 30 to 40% are local residents of Wilkes
County,” Matheson said.
Whippoorwill Academy and Village
Established in the 1980s by the late educator and community activist Edith Ferguson Carter,
Whippoorwill Academy and Village is located on the Ferguson family farm, which has been owned by the
same family for more than 200 years.
“Our goal is to promote local history, the arts and agriculture,” said Whippoorwill owner
and director, Margaret Ferguson Carter Martine.
The property holds The Chapel of Peace; Sarah Ferguson’s Bookstore; Matt’s Country Store;
Whippoorwill Academy Schoolhouse; the Smokehouse Gallery; the Tom Dooley Museum; the Daniel Boone cabin;
the Daniel Boone hunting lodge; a blacksmith shop and weaving room; a wash house; and a jailhouse.
In alternating years the village holds The Daniel Boone & Scots in the Valley Festival and the Tom
Dooley & Appalachian Culture Festival. During the year, the village holds quite a few seasonal
The Saturday before Easter features an egg hunt. During National Poetry Month in April, the village
hosts The James Larkin Pearson Competition for middle and high school students from Wilkes and Caldwell
In November, the village hosts a meaningful event for military veterans, and the grounds now feature a
statue at the flag area dedicated to those who have served and those who currently do serve in the
December sees the village offering a Scottish Christmas Evening. The event features live music, dance
performances, vendors, ornament making, visits with Santa and storytelling. Food and drink offerings
include Scottish tea and scones, Brunswick stew, fried apple pies and ham biscuits.
The Ferguson family farm is on the Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina and the North Carolina
Birding Trail.
“Each building has a small painting of a bird attached to an outside wall of the various kinds of
birds that can be found in North Carolina,” Martine said.
Martine and her husband, Dick, are retired educators. They tailor field trips to the ages of the
visiting students and also offer private tours.
Plans are in the works for an event barn to be constructed with space to accommodate a lecture series,
dances, wedding receptions and a variety of classes.
“Whippoorwill Academy and Village is blessed to
have active board members, volunteers as
docents, performers and demonstrators. It truly takes a village,” Martine said.
Wilkes Soil & Water Conservation District Director
Wilkes Soil & Water Conservation District Director Kayla M. McCoy said the district actively
participated in stakeholder meetings for the Wilkes Outdoor Action Plan, advocating for the integration
of agriculture and natural resource considerations into the outdoor economy plan.
“This ensures the plan balances outdoor recreation with the preservation of our valuable
resources,” McCoy said.
Wilkes County Soil & Water Conservation District directly supports the Wilkes Outdoor Action Plan by
improving water safety and recreational access, McCoy said. Its Stream Rehabilitation Assistance Program
(StRAP) has removed more than 4,833 tons of debris from more than 40,363 feet of the Yadkin River,
reducing flood risk and enhancing the paddling experience for residents and visitors.
Wilkes County Soil & Water Conservation District also supports the foundation of the local economy
– agriculture.
“By helping farmers implement best management practices, we ensure healthy soil and clean water.
This not only sustains their businesses, but also contributes to a desirable environment that attracts
visitors seeking agritourism experiences and locally sourced products. Clean water also directly
benefits recreational businesses,” McCoy said.
The district’s mission is to foster voluntary, incentive-driven management of soil, water and
related natural resources for the benefit of the environment, economy and people.
“All of us depend on our natural resources and we work to ensure they are taken care of in a
sustainable way. We ensure these resources are here for future generations,” she said.
“Our natural assets are key to bringing visitors and job creators to our
– Heather Murphy, Executive Director,
The Health Foundation, Inc.