Year TWO
Vision Plan 2.0 Update
For nearly seven years, much of the continued work ongoing across Spartanburg County has been tied to,
or guided by, the OneSpartanburg Vision Plan and the Vision Plan 2.0.
In June, OneSpartanburg, Inc. welcomed a group of investors supporting the work needed to move our
community forward for a look at the progress achieved by the second year of the Vision Plan 2.0.
Launched in March 2022, the Vision Plan 2.0 is Spartanburg County’s second five-year community
and economic development strategy.
The Vision Plan 2.0 was developed over a six-month period by Broad Ripple Strategies in consultation
with a 49-person steering committee, fueled by a wealth of data, and input from more than 2,800
Overall, the strategy advances 15 key initiatives in the focus areas of Talent, Economy, and Place; all
in pursuit of six primary goals:
Raise levels of prosperity
Increase educational attainment
Attract and retain talented people
Diversify Spartanburg County’s economy
Improve quality of life
Reduce racial equity gaps in entrepreneurship and small business ownership
“A great deal of our progress can be linked to our work with Movement 2030, the Spartanburg
Academic Movement’s groundbreaking, place-based partnership to create the conditions for
Spartanburg’s children and families to succeed in life, no matter where they’re born and
raised,” said OneSpartanburg, Inc. Chief Talent Officer Ron Garner.
Influenced by the Vision Plan, Movement 2030’s goals align with four of the five talent
recommendations included in the Vision Plan 2.0: access to college, career pathways, adult degree
completions, and childcare and early-education.
“Each of these recommendations has been infused with catalytic philanthropy from Blue Meridian,
and that has allowed us to move the needle in unprecedented ways,” Garner said.
In response to a Talent Gap Analysis – a data-packed document outlining immediate and future
shortages in Spartanburg County’s talent pool – the STAR Fellowship was created to expose
career development facilitators countywide to workforce needs. The second STAR cohort is about to enroll
Simultaneously, OneSpartanburg, Inc.’s talent team is working hand-in-hand with employers to add
work-based learning programs for high school seniors. So far, the effort has led to 203 placements, 83%
of which are paid internships.
In March, Re:Degree was launched to help thousands across the county with some college experience but
no degree finish what they started.
“In the program’s first few months, 459 people have asked for help reenrolling in
college,” Garner said.
Re:Degree helps these individuals navigate and overcome roadblocks, access resources, and achieve their
dreams. And dedicated team members at Converse University, Spartanburg Methodist College, Spartanburg
Community College, and the University of South Carolina Upstate ensure students have the support they
need on-campus.
Additionally, the effort calls for deep engagement with local employers to increase the number of large
employers sending cohorts of team members through the program.
“Our goal is to connect with 5,000 adult-learners by 2030,” Garner said. “From
identifying individuals who would benefit from reenrolling to providing funds through tuition assistance
programs, employer partnerships will be critical to our success.”
Data shows that earning a degree leads to increased earning potential and career advancement
possibilities. In turn, this raises Spartanburg’s educational attainment level, making our county
more attractive to the corporate and knowledge-based jobs OneSpartanburg, Inc. recruits to the
In 2023, Spartanburg County again surpassed $1 billion in investment, as we recruited 24 economic
development projects estimated to create 1,146 new jobs.
Since the OneSpartanburg Vision Plan 2.0 was unveiled in 2022, Spartanburg has recruited a total of
$5.1 billion in investment creating a total of 2,888 jobs.
“Not to brag, but those two years of investment equal the entirety of investment attracted to
Spartanburg during the first Vision Plan from 2017-2021,” said OneSpartanburg, Inc. Vice President
of Industrial Development Kyle Sox.
Spartanburg County continued to leverage its advantage in manufacturing and logistics while working to
diversify the investments choosing to locate in Spartanburg.
Last year, European cycling brand TIME Bicycles announced it would bring manufacturing to Landrum, and
at April’s CRITERIUM, TIME showcased its first made-in-South-Carolina bike. There too,
Greenville-based Boyd Cycling announced the acquisition of German-based Munich Composites, which will
co-locate with TIME in Landrum.
“I had the opportunity to travel to Portugal to speak with additional companies considering
Spartanburg County. But with these newcomers alone, we will be home to a cluster of leaders in soft
mobility – with carbon fiber provided by Toray, materials by Milliken, rims by Boyd, and bicycles
by TIME,” Sox said.
A burgeoning group of innovation entrepreneurs, including Palmetto InnovaSphere, are energizing
Spartanburg County. This group of 18, known for now as the Spartanburg Founders Network, is designed to
support innovative, homegrown companies with high-growth potential.
“Spartanburg is proving to be a place where diverse industries can not only co-exist, but can
achieve symbiosis,” Sox said. “So, we’re intentionally connecting large industry and
innovation companies with Spartanburg’s small businesses.”
In March, Power Up Spartanburg – the county’s small and minority business development
initiative – celebrated one year. Since its launch, Power Up has engaged with more than 2,143
small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Programs offered under the Power Up Spartanburg umbrella have continued to grow in reach and
Power Up: Funding, launched with support from local Community Financial Development Institutions
(CDFIs) has awarded more than $2.8 million in business loans and grants.
Power Up: Mentoring, inspired by the MIT Venture Mentoring Service, now boasts 61 mentors guiding 29
participants. And Power Up: Securing Contracts has helped small businesses earn transformational
contracts with companies like BMW, Oshkosh Defense, and Google.
Power Up: Experts has made vetted subject matter experts available to small businesses needing
consultations in finance, legal, HR, and marketing.
Perhaps most encouraging of all, self-reported data shows Power Up participants have seen revenue
growth of $5.1M, and a payroll increase of 167 total full-time or contract workers.
The Vision Plan 2.0 was driven by data and community feedback, and the work guided by the plan
will continue to be transformational for our community,
said OneSpartanburg, Inc. President & CEO Allen Smith.
Programs tied to the Vision Plan 2.0 are going to impact the lives of thousands of people
across Spartanburg County. Diversified investments by innovative companies are going to create new
opportunities for Spartanburg’s people,” Smith said. “And all of it is possible
thanks to the commitment of not only our investors, but also our community partners and dedicated
leaders helping to implement so much of this work.
The full Vision Plan 2.0
Year 2 Scorecard can
be read at