The Value of Diverse Perspectives
Embracing diverse perspectives is more than just appreciating individual differences; it is also a strategic advantage. By encouraging and fostering an environment where diverse experiences and perspectives are welcome and feel at home, we can unleash innovation in ways that we did not know were possible. The Dayton region is one of innovation, and in a rapidly evolving market, businesses need to innovate continuously to stay competitive and attract top talent.
When people from different backgrounds, experiences, and cultures come together, they bring unique ways of thinking to the table. We must give these perspectives a seat at that table to continue the tradition of innovation in the region we call home. This is particularly important as industries grow and become more complex. The challenges they face become more nuanced and require insight from a diverse experience pool. Actively encouraging these voices to come forward, to be in the room, is imperative to the growth of any organization.
Having diverse perspectives helps businesses understand and serve their clients and customers better. In a global marketplace, businesses serve clients from a wide array of cultural, social, and economic backgrounds; a homogenous team may not fully grasp the diverse needs and preferences of their audience, potentially leading to missed opportunities and even alienation.
Cultivating diversity of thought within an organization can equip teams with the perspective necessary to better empathize with and anticipate the needs of a diverse customer base and cultivate new ones. This can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and, ultimately, market share. Teams made up of individuals with varied backgrounds are more effective at analyzing information, considering alternatives, and avoiding groupthink.
As the President and CEO of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, I have found that decision-making processes benefit greatly from incorporating diverse viewpoints because they challenge assumptions and prompt more rigorous analysis. This leads to better, more informed decisions that mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities. Fostering a culture of inclusivity where diverse perspectives are valued and respected strengthens employee engagement and retention and continues the tradition of innovation here in the Dayton region.
Chris Kershner
President & CEO
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
FOCUS is a quarterly publication of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce. It is distributed to Chamber members and regional businesses. Copies are available online at
The Chamber is not responsible for advertisements included in this magaizine.
No article may be reproduced without the permission of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce.
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
8 N. Main Street, Suite 100
Dayton, Ohio 45402-1904
tel 937.226.1444 | fax 937.226.8254
Executive Committee Officers
Diane Pleiman, Premier Health
Chair Elect
Dave McNerney, Think Patented
John Garrity, Brixey & Meyer
Chris Kershner, CAE, IOM
Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce
Editorial Staff
Chuck Edmonson
Amanda Byers, Dayton International Airport Staff, Chris Kershner, Alexander Watts, Ron Duckett, Jelani Johnson and Stephanie Keinath